Friday, November 2, 2012

So, if it hurts to run, you should stop??

The dangers of running are certainly documented in newspapers, on the internet, etc. There are distracted drivers, large vehicles, dogs, and even a coyote, but nothing so far has sidelined me like a 2 inch gap in the concrete. I was walking my dog and she decided that the pace was too slow so we took was great...her little legs pushed her faster than a dog that small should run...wind flowing through her hair, and pure joy on her face. But then it went bad...horribly bad! The pain was instant and intense as my foot turned in ways God never intended a foot to turn.Instantly I knew my mileage would decrease...little did I know how much!
I had no idea what a road block it would put in my training schedule. The plan was perfect. October 28th would mark the beginning of the real training for the LA Marathon 2013. The Rock n Roll half marathon would serve as a gauge for my fitness level. I was hoping to shave 20 minutes off of my best half marathon time, but realistically I was looking at shaving off 5 to 10 minutes. Still not shabby, right? Then I would use that as my base to train up for the LA 13.1 half marathon in January. Again, shooting to shave off another 10 minutes. By the time the LA Marathon rolled around I would be primed to shave off 30 minutes from my marathon time. Well, as they say, the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.
I did restrain myself from running for about a week...then again the dog wanted to we ran a block. And it felt really good! Yet I was cautious...with only a week to go before the Rock n Roll half, this was no time to get brave. I rode my bike, but that did not seem to provide the sweet equity I was looking for. Then the Thursday before the Rock n Roll half I went for another walk with the dog. This one did not feel so fact it felt pretty bad. Then the debate started in my head. Like to candidates stuck in an unending election cycle, my conservative side said I should give up hope of running 13 miles and my liberal side said I would be fine, just go ahead and run. After much consideration, and A LOT of ice on my ankle, I decided to run the Rock n Roll half marathon.
I started off great. I was well ahead of my goal pace and still feeling full of energy. I ran around the Coliseum lamenting the loss USC had to Arizona the night before, and yet I still found myself keeping a pretty steady pace, but as I was passing Felix Chevrolet a tindge of pain started to creep down into my foot and ankle. Oh well, only 8 miles to go...By the end I could hardly even walk, but I had come so far, that I could not stop. I hobbled across the finish line and I was quickly asked if I was ok. Soon there was a wheelchair and I was off to the medic. Certainly the most humiliating way to finish a half marathon.
So, now what? I guess it is true...if it hurts to run, you should stop...for a while at least, because the opposite is also hurts not to run!